Cafe Comma (BEAST Dongwoon)

Cafe Comma is owned by the older brother of Dongwoon of B2ST. Unfortunately, you’ll have to travel down to Daejeon if you want to go there. Daejeon is probably 2 hours south of Seoul by train or bus, maybe a little less if you take the bullet train (KTX).

Photo: Twitter

Pictures gotten from >here<

Address: 대전광역시 동구 용운동 657 / 657, Yongun-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon
Near Daejeon University’s West Gate

Hours 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.

Unfortunately….I can’t find any directions to this cafe ㅠㅠ If you want to go, I suggest getting to Daejeon and showing the address to a taxi driver. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, plug the address into Naver Maps and see if you can find it! If anyone has been there, or has found directions, let me know so I can put a link to it!!

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