Welcome to Kpop Tour Guide!!!

Hi everyone!! I’m an American crazed kpop fan living in Korea, and I have had many fun adventures finding Kpop-related places around Seoul, and I want to share my knowledge for those of you who might be visiting Korea, or living here as well and want to find cool Kpop stuff!

So I’m posting directions to the major Kpop entertainment company buildings, famous restaurants or cafes owned by kpop people, kpop stores, directions to major venues where big Kpop concerts are held, or other notable K-popy things!!

I know there are many directions already online for a lot of these places, but I wanted to put them all into one place! I’m putting my own directions, as well as links to others posts who have already been to these places as well. I hope to cut out some of the searching time for you when looking for these things! I know I did lots of research and asking around before I found reliable directions to many of these places.

I will try to keep this updated as long as I am in Korea. And if and when I leave, maybe I can pass it off to someone who will be able to keep it going and updated! Maybe I’ll also try to post advice on using the Seoul subway system and stuff. ^^

This blog is currently still in the works, so stay tuned!

Remember, if you have a request for directions to a certain place I dont have listed, let me know and I’ll either try go there myself and post directions, or find directions for you!!